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How to travel to Jaipur (India)

Travel in India

You will find all information you need to go to Jaipur from New Delhi

Google Earth™ localization: 26°54'58.97"N, 75°48'15.79"E

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>From New Delhi to Jaipur by plane (domestic flights)

Time of travel:
40 minutes
Price: 70 USD one-way

Jet Airways - Jaipur Tower M.I. Road 302001 - (141)090245 - (141)74946
There are 3 morning and 3 afternoon flights. All planes are ATR 72

Air India - NehruPlace Tonkroad 302001 - (141)2743324 - (141)2743500
There are 2 afternoon flights. Planes are ATR 70 and Airbus A321

Connections to Mumbai, Udaipur, Ahmadabad.

>From New Delhi to Jaipur by train

Time of travel:
4h30 to 5 hrs
Price: 640 INR one-way ticket

From New Delhi Railway Station to Jaipur:
• Shatabdi express: Departs at 6h05 AM - Arrives at 10h40 AM

From Jaipur to New Delhi Railway Station:
• Superfast : Departs at 4h30PM - Arrives at 9h50 PM
• Shatabdi express : Departs at 5h45 PM - Arrives at 10h40 PM

>Travel by taxi from New Delhi to Jaipur

Time of travel: 4 to 5h30

Fares are:

• 3500 - 6000 INR when departing from the airport for taxi booked at an office inside the airport
• 3000 - 3500 INR for taxi booked once outside the airport terminal
• 3000 - 3500 INR when departing from downtown New Delhi

>Coming from Delhi to Jaipur by bus

Time of travel: from 4h30 to 6h. First class with air conditioning / heater
Price: 900 INR

The fastest and most economical way to travel. Board at ISBT Kashmere Gate in New Delhi.
Hourly departures between 6AM to 11PM

if you are coming from New Delhi airport, reserve your taxi to ISBT, Kashmere Gate at the Prepaid Taxi Office inside the International Terminal. Your taxi will cost you only 500 INR.

From Jaipur Bus Stand (Sindhi camp) to New Delhi
Hourly departures are between 6AM to 12PM. It is also possible to board here for other destinations: Ajmer, Pushkar, Agra, Udaipur, etc.

in Jaipur

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